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Industry Use Cases

Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.  


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ExoSense Condition Monitoring

Deprecated Legacy Development Kit Portals

legacy dev kit instancesTL;DR

You likely landed here looking for a development kit IoT portal.  These are no longer available as of 2020.  We recommend contacting the hardware provider to ensure they update their kits and documentation.  Exosite does not provide free community IoT portal accounts.  

For businesses looking for an enterprise Industrial IoT platform and Condition Based Monitoring solutions, please contact us for more information.  

Deprecation Information

Can I still get to an account?  No, unfortunately.  We realize this may be confusing and frustrating.  These portals no longer exist as a decision by the development kit companies without updating development kit documentation.  

What should you do?  We recommend contacting the hardware provider to ensure they update their kits and documentation so that other developers are not provided incorrect information.  

Some history may help.  Exosite previously provided an IoT application called Portals that ran on top of our legacy IoT platform One Platform.  We worked with many silicon companies such as Texas Instruments, Microchip, Atmel, and Renesas to provide free out of the box access to Portals for creating proof of concepts using IoT and connected kits.  As of 2020, we no longer support these free community sites, some of which were available for over 8 years of operation. 

These deprecated community development kit sites no longer exist


The list of development kits that may have documented access but no longer include free IoT portals includes:

Texas Instruments
  • CC3200-LAUNCHXL Wi-Fi Connected Launchpad
  • EK-TM4C1294XL and EK-TM4C129EXL Crypto - Connected LaunchPads
  • MSP430 FRAM + CC3000 Wi-Fi with SmartConfig™
  • Microchip Wi-Fi Client Module (WCM) Development Kit 1 (Part Number DM182023)
  • WCM-DK1
  • Microchip DV102412
  • Digilent chipKIT™ uC32 
  • RX62N RDK
  • RX63N RDK
  • RL78G13 RDK
  • RL78G14 RDK
  • QCA401x
Synapse Wireless
  • E10 and E20 SNAP Gateways
  • GainSpan WAB-GW-GS1500M low-power Wi-Fi module
  • Uno, Yun, ESP8266


Resources for Developing an IoT solution with Exosite


Exosite is a leader in Industrial IoT Platforms and Condition Based Monitoring solutions.   We help businesses connect hardware whether it is an embedded development kit being evaluated for building the next connected product or industrial gateways.  

If you are interested in using Exosite's software for your business but have questions, please contact us.

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