WW-5H2X supports analog & digital sensors, thermocouples, thermometers, frequency counters, rain gauges, and Modbus sensors. It also provides analog / digital control contacts and GPS positioning capabilities. The system collects sensor data and upload it to the cloud using AES encryption.
You can find information on purchasing and using the hardware in the guides below. Hardware / Support
To sign up for this Wintec WW-5H2X Wireless Sensor Node Bundle (supports weather station, green house, and cold chain applications) click "Sign-Up" and follow the steps to deploy a full software solution based on Exosite's ExoSense® application.
The WW-5H2X model is the fully loaded version - it is a good fit for projects where the final requirements are not yet clear or when a rapid proof-of-concept is needed. Reduced capability models are available to optimize cost and power - Wintec will customize your production model according to the functionality required for your specific application.
Contact Wintec Sales / Wintec Website