
WW-5H2X NB-IoT Wireless Sensor Node for Greenhouse, Weather Station, and Cold Chain Applications

WW-5H2X supports analog & digital sensors, thermocouples, thermometers, frequency counters, rain gauges, and Modbus sensors.  It also provides analog / digital control contacts and GPS positioning capabilities. The system collects sensor data and upload it to the cloud using AES encryption. 


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Get Started

Purchasing & Installation

You can find information on purchasing and using the hardware in the guides below.  Hardware / Support

Software Sign-up 

To sign up for this Wintec WW-5H2X Wireless Sensor Node Bundle (supports weather station, green house, and cold chain applications) click "Sign-Up" and follow the steps to deploy a full software solution based on Exosite's ExoSense® application.


The WW-5H2X model is the fully loaded version - it is a good fit for projects where the final requirements are not yet clear or when a rapid proof-of-concept is needed.  Reduced capability models are available to optimize cost and power - Wintec will customize your production model according to the functionality required for your specific application.

Hardware Overview 

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Contact Wintec Sales / Wintec Website


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