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Industry Solutions

Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.  


Learn how other Organizations have leveraged Exosite.

ExoSense Condition Monitoring
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Articles, guides, and white-papers from Exosite's experience in IoT, connected products, and industrial asset condition monitoring. intel tech brief low-code IIoT solutions OEMs revenue models

OEMs Expand Revenue Models with Low-Code Software

Milking existing capital assets for extra money is the business equivalent of finding quarters among the couch cushions. But using IIoT technologies to deliver revenue-generating services is one better because it offers a much more reliable income stream. And it’s what asset-based businesses of all sizes can access thanks to no-code or low-code IoT-specific software.

Tech Brief: OEMs Expand Revenue Models with Low-Code Software 

This article originally appeared on

Understand the IoT Project Lifecycle White Paper

Understanding the IoT Project Lifecycle

The IoT-implementation process will involve new project challenges for your organization. This white paper introduces and explores the IoT project lifecycle framework, so you’ll be better prepared to achieve connected-product success and edge out your competition.


iot readiness 11 steps

IoT Readiness in 11 Steps

IoT is evolving the world in exciting ways and has profound implications for businesses if it’s done well. Having the right knowledge from the beginning can help you avoid costly missteps along your IoT journey.


security iot strategy best practices

Best Practices for IoT Security Strategy

This white paper discusses how a comprehensive IoT security strategy begins with an understanding of the technology, but there's more to it than that. Every employee has a stake in how secure your system is, so cultivating a social culture that embraces the importance of security is essential to any connected product strategy.


augmented digital twin iot

The Augmented Digital Twin

This white paper explains the concept of the digital twin and how it can transform an IoT solution from connected data into a valuable view of a meaningful asset. It also identifies best practices to implement a digital twin model and optimize it over time.



IoT Framework for Industrial OEMs

Exosite's 7-step approach empowers business leaders at large industrial equipment manufactures (OEMs) with the knowledge to overcome the key challenges faced when developing and executing a corporate IoT strategy.



Solving the IoT Puzzle: Build to Buy?

This white paper provides an overview of the IoT ecosystem necessary to develop a connected solution, including what it takes to build an IoT platform, what expertise is necessary, and what you should keep in mind when determining how to integrate it with your business. It also explores the different approaches to developing an IoT solution: building an IoT platform internally or “buying” pieces of it by leveraging infrastructure providers, boxed solution providers, or IoT platform providers.



IoT Strategies for Diversified Businesses

Exosite's nine-step sequence enables organizations to cut through the complexity and establish a common technology framework that can be leveraged by diverse connected product families across an organization.


iot data analytics

Data Analytics for IoT

This guide provides an overview of IoT data analytics within the context of connected products, identifies the stages of analytics maturity, and provides recommendations about how enterprises can realize the full potential of their IoT data to produce business results.


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